Tentang Kami

Olde Law Firm, kantor hukum terkemuka di Jawa Timur, siap memberikan solusi hukum terbaik untuk berbagai kebutuhan Anda.

Two hands are visible, one holding a pen and another holding a document, suggesting a situation involving document review or signing. The scene appears to be set on a desk with a table lamp illuminating the area.
Two hands are visible, one holding a pen and another holding a document, suggesting a situation involving document review or signing. The scene appears to be set on a desk with a table lamp illuminating the area.
A multi-story building with a business on the ground floor displaying a sign for an architectural company. The facade includes balconies with railings. In front of the entrance, there is a table covered with a red cloth, adorned with decorative floral arrangements. Motorbikes are parked along the sidewalk and there are some potted plants on a ledge above the entrance.
A multi-story building with a business on the ground floor displaying a sign for an architectural company. The facade includes balconies with railings. In front of the entrance, there is a table covered with a red cloth, adorned with decorative floral arrangements. Motorbikes are parked along the sidewalk and there are some potted plants on a ledge above the entrance.

Lokasi Kantor

Olde Law Firm berlokasi di Jawa Timur, menyediakan layanan hukum terbaik di bidang litigasi dan penyelesaian sengketa serta praktik hukum lainnya.


Jl. Rungkut Asri Barat XIV No.5, Rungkut, Surabaya.


09.00 - 17.00


Lihat momen penting dan Rekam Jejak Perjalanan Olde Law Firm dalam Menangani berbagai kasus.